Nashville Design Week 2023 is a city-wide series of events that unite the design community across the city. This week-long celebration features a variety of interdisciplinary programs and events, fostering collaboration, engaging the public, and elevating Nashville's design economy.
DesignUps has been involved as a participant in Nashville Design Week since the series started in 2018. We were the web partner for Nashville Design Week in 2023.
The design week events provided great options for design education and exploration around Nashville. We loved getting to collaborate with other local designers and creatives for the good of our community.
The branding and website for Nashville Design Week is reinvented every year. For 2023, we volunteered our time pro-bono to help spread the message of Nashville Design Week. We partnered with Rex Runyeon who did an excellent job on the branding and design.
Reflecting on the city's rich artistic identity, Nashville Design Week aims to bring together designers, artists, and the public to explore and celebrate the diverse facets of design. As a community event it was important that people were encouraged to participate by hosting events, volunteering and attending events. Our approach to the mobile website was to keep the experience simple but consistent.
Nashville Design Week wouldn't be possible without the community and team of volunteers. The website made the people a focal point.
We love pushing the envelope. The spinning 3D graphic utilizes emerging web technologies. Can you tell what the symbol represents? Look closely!
Through the years key artists and designers have been interviewed as part of the design week series.
What a great group of volunteers we worked with for Nashville Design Week in 2003. Looking forward to helping design week continue to grow and spread in the future!